Rooftop Sponsor $2,500
Business name mentioned from the stage during Hope Grows Here Gala event
Table for 8 guests
Large Business logo listed in all Hope Grows Here Gala promotional materials
(job site signage, website, social media, etc.)
Large logo listed in program
A scheduled volunteer workday for your team
Complimentary t-shirts for your team (up to 10)
Recognition at Home Dedication
Walls and Windows Sponsor $1,500
Small Business logo listed in Hope Grows Here Gala promotional materials ,
(job site signage, website, social media, etc)
Table for 8 guests
Small business logo listed in program
A scheduled volunteer workday for your team
Recognition at Home dedication
Golf Cart Sponsor $500 (4 available)
Business name listed on website, HGH Gala program
Logo signage on the golf carts used to transport guests
Business name listed on Home Dedication program
Shout out on Social Media